About Me

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I am a mother, a teacher, and a nature lover. I grew up on a mountain we called Owls' Knob in the Ozarks of Arkansas. The first seven years of my life were spent living in a log cabin, far from a store or streetlight, without electricity or running water and after twenty years of travel, I returned to the abondoned homestead. Now I live on a hill by a small lake and work at a public garden. These are stories about nature written from a women deeply influenced by place.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Just days ago almost two feet of snow blanketed the Ozarks and the night's temperatures were in the negative digits. Winter encompassed us. We looked out across the white wonderland with dread. It seemed that winter might trudge on forever. The cold was creeping into our bones and the flu was going around. I was shivering and sweating in bed, unable to move. My muscles cramped, my head throbbed, my lungs ached, and my stomach twisted. Like the snow, my sickness lingered. I cursed the virus and the cold wind it rode in on.
Today the sun is shinning bright; the last remnants of snow have retreated to the untouched shadows on northern slopes. From the wet soil I can see crocus leaves poking up to make their early spring debut. Likewise, my health has returned. My nose is clear and my head is steady. Slowly my appetite is returning. 
Once I live in California, were every day was perfect. There were no seasons, no cold nor hot. And I didn't appreciate it. There was nothing to compare the days to, no contrast. So the perfect days were wasted.  
Therefore, today is extra special to me. It shines brightest in contrast to the recent bad weather and my poor health. Without such contrast, I'd have less appreciation for the simple things. So in retrospect, I thank those terrible winter storms and that awful virus.  

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